The success of an event is measured in many ways – but events must also be measured in terms of safety. Event organizers have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment and to ensure that people are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. For this to be possible, compliance with the event safety protocol is of the utmost importance. Please read and adhere to the following safety rules:
● Captains: As a captain participating in an ACPA event, YOU are responsible for everyone in your vessel. All captains must be over the age of 18. Special wristbands will be provided to the captain and 1st mate. There must be one U.S. Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device for each person on your vessel. EVERYONE MUST WEAR A PFD. Your vessel must be equipped with all USCG safety devices. All participating vessel operators are required to attend the mandatory drivers meetings prior to the event. No substitutions or proxy attendance is allowed without specific and direct authority of the Atlantic Coast Powerboat Association. Drivers may be offered video or private consultation by ACPA in order to convey the content of the safety guidelines to the participant, so that the driver can agree and sign in writing that they will adhere to these guidelines.
● Insurance Requirements: All vessels must have appropriate insurance coverage, including adequate liability and personal injury coverage. All vessels are required to carry proof of insurance at all times and copies of insurance policies must be presented at the time of registration. Vessels and operators who are unable to comply with this requirement will not be able to participate.
● Safety Equipment: The minimum U.S. Coast Guard carriage requirements must be met by all boats participating in ACPA events. Kill switch lanyards are required to be worn by all operators. Personal Floatation Life Saving Devices are required to be worn by all persons aboard. Throwable devices must be immediately available.
● Emergency Plan: ACPA has two safety vessels participating in the event, operated by qualified first responders. These vessels will be equipped with trauma bags. If an emergency does occur, please assess the situation. If you have a serious medical emergency, please reach out to ACPA safety coordinator immediately to notify them of your location. ACPA will be filing all incident reports with the Coast Guard using CG-3865 Recreational Boating Accident Report.
1. Assess the situation. Determine if the emergency is beyond your physical control and assistance is required.
2. Notify the ACPA Safety Coordinator via Radio or Phone. The ACPA Safety Coordinator will coordinate a meeting spot or come directly to the location of the emergency. Please provide proper coordinates or land markers to aid in identifying where assistance is needed.
3. If the situation requires land support, ACPA safety boats are prepared to transport individuals to the nearest dock and coordinate with local emergency medical services.
4. ACPA will file all appropriate paperwork with USCG.
● Alcohol Consumption: The Atlantic Coast Powerboat Association takes Driving while intoxicated very seriously. ACPA operates on a 0% ALCOHOL policy which pertains to all gas stops, food stops, and raft ups. All vessel captains are required to wear the provided event wristbands to aid in the identification of those not allowed to consume alcohol and it is the responsibility of the ACPA peer group and fellow participants to aid in the enforcement of this rule. If anyone knowingly aids in the concealment of alcohol use, they – in addition to the violating operator – will be removed from the event. ACPA has the right to notify local law enforcement, USCG, and the operator’s insurance company of such actions.
● Safe Operation: International Navigation rules must always be followed. Vessels must always proceed at a safe speed for the given circumstances and surroundings. Minimum plane speeds are required in congested areas and appropriate interval spacing must be maintained between vessels. Excessive crowding at card stops, inappropriate overtaking, or other negligent operations will result in a warning or removal from the event. The vessel captain and crew must remain alert for both vessels and objects in the path of your boat.
● Communications: All vessels must have VHF-FM capabilities onboard. Channel 78A will be our primary working frequency. Any Official Boat with the event may request a radio conversation by waiving a handheld radio or microphone, indicating the desire to have a direct discussion with a participant boat. It is the responsibility of the vessel operator and passengers to thoroughly understand the meaning and use of all visual signals. All crew must extend Hands Up when you are stopping or slowing.
● Speed Restrictions and Navigation: ACPA participating vessels will be divided into 2 classes. Class one will be 70+ MPH boats, and under 70 MPH boats. Each boat based on their intended top speed is to adhere to the following passenger restrictions, which are mandatory due to ACPA marine event insurance and/or generally prudent safety management guidelines. 0-70 MPH vessels are required to have all persons onboard who are 18 years of age and younger accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while the boat is being operated. Passengers on 70+ MPH vessels must be over 18 years of age. Running off course in shallow water, and over shoals is very dangerous, creating unsafe situations and causing potential damage to the vessel and its passengers, as well as the natural environment. Drivers who operate ahead of the Pace Boat or navigate outside of the recommended course must operate with extreme caution. Some critical areas along the course require MANDATORY compliance of posted or controlled speeds as outlined by the organizer. When approaching all bridges, vessel captains MUST reduce speed but do not need to come completely off plane.
***All operators must maintain safe speeds and stay within the speed limitations of their designated vessel class.***
ACPA would like to thank you for joining us to participate in this event. We hope you understand our dedication to having both a fun and safe run. We have notified local law enforcement personnel of the event schedule to aid in the circumstance of any emergencies.